Even if everyone comes with very different problems, the first effects of a session are often greater calm, more energy and better sleep … something natural and obvious that is essential, without effort.

The diversity of changes is very great and this is perfectly understandable. Because it is our brain that controls, near or far, all the systems of our body.

The entry point of our method is at a very basic level of the body, the electrical activity of the brain. It is it which is measured and which gives information to the brain on its own functioning. From the moment when the electrical activity of the brain is regulated, its chemical activity is regulated at the same time. The nervous system communicating with the other systems of the body, it is indeed our whole being which regulates and functions better, according to the possibilities of repair of each.

A few decades ago, the predominant vision of the brain was that of a system developing during the first years of life and then inevitably declining. We now know that our brain is plastic, that is to say that it has the capacity to change, to adapt. Even an old brain, even an injured brain from birth, or later after a stroke, can learn. This ability works all of our lives.

Studies have shown that a child has a more plastic brain than an elderly person. The younger the brain, the more likely it is to change. This is true to some extent. Because our brains are still able to change and learn as long as we are alive. People over the age of 70 can also see changes that are important to them.

Any brain can learn and change, even an injured brain, of course within the limits of the abilities related to the extent of the injury. Practitioners do many sessions with children with brain injuries that sometimes affect important areas of the brain and changes have taken place that suggest that not only have existing connections become better regulated, but new connections have probably been created, bringing possibilities that did not exist before.

You come as you are, with the problems and suffering you wish to see diminished or disappeared. This method does not tell your brain what it needs to correct, it does not tell you how far away it is from the norm, it does not impose a certain trajectory to get closer to it. It lets the brain change what’s important to it at that time.

How is that possible? There has just been an interruption. Your brain, which was expecting a continuous sequence of sounds, is surprised by this event that it did not anticipate.

The feedback that is the interruption of the music activates the mechanisms of plasticity. This interruption is significant for the brain because it occurs at a very specific moment in its functioning. The temporal coincidence between these two events, turbulence and interruption, makes the latter relevant to the brain.

The brain is allowed to correct what it needs to correct, at the time it does so. It is not prescribed anything in particular, regardless of the dysfunction

Many people have certain ideas about interruptions in the music. It is interesting to explain that some interruptions can be heard, but most are not audible at the conscious level; instead, they are perceived by the unconscious brain. Despite this, it is common for people to be reassured by hearing the interruptions.

This reaction may be related to the fact that people tend to believe only what they perceive (through sight, hearing). For some, the interruption must be audible to be considered real and therefore effective. However, this is not the case.

You don’t have to “listen” to the music or “watch” the movie. It’s up to you. You don’t have to concentrate, you don’t have to force yourself to hear or see. You can close your eyes and sleep. During this time, your brain perceives interruptions that cause it to reorganize itself.

The unconscious (one of the functions of which is to ensure the stability of our environment), will immediately identify a change in the sound environment. Indeed, there used to be music and now there is none.
In a word, the unconscious is saying to itself, “Well, what’s going on? ».
When the music stops, the unconscious stops practicing what it was doing, to focus on this new subject (the musical interruption) and identify what is happening.
Thus the mind, therefore, normally continues its evolution. It thus erases little by little this excess of its behavior, and simultaneously evacuates the deregulation which resulted from it (that is to say for example the anguish which was linked to it, or the nervousness, the difficulty of concentration, or anything which was linked to this traumatic memory, everything which could alter its fluidity).

With NeurOptimal™, we only inform the brain about its own activity and it continues to learn and reorganize itself (resilience), regardless of its age and history.

In their experience, practitioners have found that often the rhythm of two sessions per week allows one to feel better quite quickly. This remains an ideal. But other rhythms are quite possible. You can do only one session per week. The changes can be slower, but it can also help to accept the idea that the process of change can take time. You put less pressure on yourself, you give yourself more time to discover the differences from one week to the next.

It is not possible to set a number of sessions… The person can feel better very quickly: changes can take place very quickly and these changes will lead to more changes. For others it may take longer, there are no rules.

Namely, that at any time, you can take breaks if you feel like it and resume sessions whenever you want. You may decide to stop and resume a few times later because you feel the need to do so. Or simply a session is a pleasant moment that you want to give yourself.

The practitioner has no way of telling the person when to stop. It is up to the person to decide at any time to stop when they are satisfied with the changes.

It takes about an hour. This includes a discussion of the changes that have occurred, the application of the electrodes, the actual 35-minute session, and the end of the session. The first session is longer because time is taken to discuss and explain the principles of the method.

The same way that all of us do. After having comfortably installed him lying on you, in your arms, or in his cosy/carrycot, I simply install the sensors before starting the session on a background of soft music or a cartoon.

The premises have been designed and built according to disabled access standards to ensure access for all.

It takes about 45 minutes. This includes a discussion of the changes found, the application of the electrodes, the training session which lasts 33 minutes and the end of the session. The first session is longer because time is taken to discuss and explain the principles of the method.

The main thing is to have a good time. So you can choose your music or your movie, and change it if you wish at each session. The more the brain is at rest, the better.

We can do sessions at any age, there are no restrictions. From birth to death, our brain is active and plastic, and can learn to regulate itself better thanks to the sessions.

There are no restrictions or contraindications. The NeurOptimal method is a generic method, which informs the brain about its own dynamics and allows it to regulate itself better where necessary. The reorganization of the connections between neurons will always lead to better regulation, whatever the disorder.

With the NeurOptimal method it is not necessary to make a diagnosis, a check-up, or a prior EEG, because the method is not medical and does not provide specific treatment. It is a generic method and the NeurOptimal practitioner uses the same protocol for everyone.

You must continue to take these medications and not change anything on your own. Talk to the doctor who prescribes the medication about how to reduce the dosage if necessary.

Dynamic Neurofeedback sessions are not a substitute for medical treatment, but are intended to accompany you on your way to greater comfort.

Dynamic Neurofeedback sessions can be an excellent complement to medical and psychotherapeutic care.

There are no restrictions or contraindications. The NeurOptimal method is a generic method, which informs the brain about its own dynamics and allows it to regulate itself better where necessary. The reorganization of the connections between neurons will always lead to better regulation, whatever the disorder.

With the NeurOptimal method it is not necessary to make a diagnosis, a check-up, or a prior EEG, because the method is not medical and does not provide specific treatment. It is a generic method and the NeurOptimal practitioner uses the same protocol for everyone.

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