ADHD: The struggle to make the right diagnosis and choose the right treatment

There is a wealth of information on the web, and in books, professional journals and magazines about ADHD, so we will not repeat this information here. In this hectic world we live in, many people struggle with attention deficit traits. Many of us have brains that can adapt to this lifestyle. The incidence of true ADHD / ADD is growing. More and more children and adults are struggling to get organized, stay focused and get things done because they have a “brain disorder” that interferes with their ability to function well and feel good about themselves.
While we all call attention deficit disorder “ADHD”, there are three types of ADHD: the inattentive type, the hyperactive type, and the mixed type. There are effective treatments for all three. It is now generally accepted that ADHD is a very treatable brain disorder. However, patients and families have difficulty getting a correct diagnosis and determining if medication is the best response. The number of adults and children taking stimulant medication for ADHD is increasing, and no one is very enthusiastic about it.
Doctors don’t like to prescribe ADHD medications because of the potentially dangerous side effects. They are also concerned that teenagers and young adults of school age will share or sell their pills. Children don’t like medication because while they are working, the side effects are unpleasant and the medication goes away before the end of the day. Parents are concerned that ADHD medication will harm their child. Medication does not permanently solve the problem, and people only work better when the medication is in their system. When they stop taking the medication, ADHD symptoms return. There is also the problem of misuse of medication, the amount to take, long acting, short acting, weekends, summer, etc., and the problem of the medication not working properly. It’s all very confusing and frankly scary.

We’ve already explained how neurofeedback works. On the one hand, it’s complicated, putting sensors on the scalp, measuring your brain waves, tracking the changes. On the other hand, it’s pretty simple. Tell your brain how to behave and it does what it’s told.
Neurofeedback, in conjunction with therapy, education, and sometimes medication, offers an alternative or complementary treatment for ADHD in children and adults.

Neurofeedback is one treatment to consider. We know that ADHD is the result of malfunctioning circuits in the brain. Stimulants correct this problem. However, they do not solve the problem. Neurofeedback can actually solve the problem. Through brain training, children and adults teach their brains to function better. They give people immediate positive feedback when their brains are behaving properly, which allows them to improve attention, cognitive function, sleep and mood, all of which are problems for people with ADHD. Much of this training can be ongoing, although occasional “tune-ups” may be necessary. The training could take up to 20 sessions, since the brain has to work hard to make permanent changes.

When we started training children with ADHD, parents and children immediately embraced it. There is a huge need for alternatives and supplements to medication in the treatment of ADHD. We also recognize that in our main practice: eating disorders, obesity and addictions, there is a high percentage of people who also have ADHD symptoms. We begin by conducting a thorough assessment, including interviews with the client and family. Patient and family involvement is essential. Clients and families are asked to complete a weekly checklist and assess symptoms so that we can monitor our progress. Clients and families need to be open to learning new skills and practicing at home, as we know that behaviour change is an important part of ADHD treatment.

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